family picture

family picture
We "want our very serve as HIS signature to all mankind so that all may know His work," Job 37:7

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My sweet

Tonight as I watched you sleep I couldn't believe how big you were. Where did it all go. Tonight you didn't look like a baby anymore.
But it got me thinking about God's timing. The birth of you in this family was no different. I couldn't imagine my life without you. He placed you in our lives when we were struggling with Korinna's development and you blew through your developmental milestones. If you only knew the peace of mind this gave us and such joy to watch you.
Today you are 9! Wow. What happened? 
 Now I have this little girl who will
always help out. In fact, we have to remind you, a lot, pthat you do not need to bare such a heavy load. 
You are such an avid reader. You love your violin. You also love to put on shows for your family. 
You are my heart Elaina and I am so thankful I get to spend this day with you. Happy Birthday, I Love You and Thank You for being Mine! (And your Daddy's)

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