I have never met the two of you but I love you and I grieve for you daily. Especially today.
I try to imagine what must have gone through your minds and hearts this day and the days leading up to this desperate event.
I also can't imagine the heart ache you felt. I weep just thinking about the sacrifice you made. He was so very sick with his heart taking up almost his entire chest cavity working so hard. FIGHTING! And to think that was your only choice in giving him just a chance at hope.
I wish I could tell you that God was with him and protected him and provided for him in ways in which only a loving Heavenly Father can. I wish I could tell you how your son's story crossed more than one country's borders trying to get him well and give him that chance. I wish I could show you two how he has blossomed, and grown.
He is SO loved and we are so honored that God picked us to be his parents. This God I mention, I pray that if you don't know him that you will learn about him, that someone will share His story with you and that your eyes will be opened to His redemption. You are not forgotten, your part in Joel's story has not been forgotten, and I pray that one day we will meet inside the gates of Heaven and I will finally get to embrace you two and tell you how much I love you and thank you for your sacrifice. Even though I have never met you.