*Elaina is really adjusting well to our new schedule. She is such a self starter so she is quick to do her school work as well as take care of her "responsibilities". (I will have to do a post on how I set up my homeschooling things and the "Responsibility chart" I did for the oldest 3). Korinna has enjoyed having her around as well. I know Korinna was tired of always having me in her face. There is still a lot more to be implemented and I am daily coming up with great ideas that I would like to add. This is as good a place as any to discuss how I have adjusted adding the 2nd homeschooler. In many ways it has been a breeze. After homeschooling a child with special needs and having to adapt everything it has been a breath of a fresh air being able to homeschool a "typical" child. It has taken a toll my laundry room and I do feel a little more emotionally drained at the end of the day. Of course, I count it all lost. As I am able to pour myself into my children, watch them grow and watch them learn. What a blessing I have been given by being obedient to God's call to us homeschooling.
*The kids are also starting their activities. Josiah and Elaina had their first full week of soccer. I was concerned how the two would handle playing the same activity. I could be good and it could be bad. Let me go on and say after only 3 practices we have already had good and bad. Elaina seems to really like it and I am so glad she didn't get all girly on me and get shy or reserved when it came to running, getting sweaty and being aggressive. Josiah really needs this activity most of the time though right now we are fighting a nap battle. When he doesn't take an afternoon nap your chances of him having a melt down increase with every passing minute. I had to take a picture before they left for practice. Elaina looks so Sporty!!
Elaina also started violin lessons this week. She was super excited.
and that my friends are some of the highlights from the Blankenship family. Around here Alabama football is something to get excited about. I have to admit I encourage it. I love the football season and all of its fanfare. Well the kids decided that we need a few items to set the ton for season, one which was red and white cupcakes (red velvet with cream cheese frosting). I agreed that it would be a nice treat so Friday night I put together these "Roll Tide" cupcakes. After dinner Josiah asked can we sing "Happy Birthday to Alabama Football? I said that I didn't know if Happy Birthday was appropriate but if they wanted to sing "Yeah Alabama" I would help them. Well folks I had to get it on video! We are a little rusty but it is just the beginning of the season! I tried to upload it today but was occurring some technical difficulties. I will try again to post it on my next post.